Saturday, 11 February 2017

Introduction To Athletic Wear Companies Around The World

An SEO and Social Media Analysis of 6 Major Athletic Wear Companies

This a blog that will examine the most prominent fitness apparel brands in today's world, as they will be broken down and viewed from a digital marketing analysis point of view.

The Brands that we will be looking at are:

Cameron Cruickshank, Student, Sheridan College

Introduction to our writers 

One of our authors is Cameron Cruickshank
a business marketing student at Sheridan College
who is currently working in the business market.

Natalie Maharaj, Student, Sheridan College

Another one of our authors is Natalie Maharaj
who is also a business marketing student at Sheridan
College, who has experience in customer service and social media. 

Zakary Inzirillo, Student, Sheridan College

Lastly, our final author is Zakary Inzirillo, who is in a
two year general business course at Sheridan College, Zak is a tech savvy individual who loves to travel. 

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