Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Adidas vs Fabletics Blog Post #5

Content marketing idea for Fabletics

If I got to choose which brand to make a new campaign for I would choose Fabletics because since it’s new in the market and not very well known there could be many new concepts for the brand. What I am suggesting the brand to do create a campaign that is catered to teenage girls around 14 – 18 years of age. Right now when I picture this brand I think that it’s more for girls who are young adult to adult women. But the products can be for any women who like to work out because of the style and quality of the products. What I am proposing is that since the brand already advertise on social media they should use position their brand for teenage girls by
-          Creating a new poster the showcase teens using the products
-          Contests for a chance to win the brands products
-          Coupons for members
I think a good time they should start doing this campaign should be during summertime when teenagers are out of school and have time to go to the gym and have fun with their friends. They should also have back to school sales to promote for teenagers and for young adults who are going back to college. The promotion can happen on Facebook and twitter where both target groups can have a chance to see the ads. By doing this the brand will gain a new target market and still use the existing products. In the future there can be more and different ways to promote this brand especially because the brand is only positioned for women. I will always continue to look forward to what this brand can offer their customers. 

1 comment:

  1. I didn't here about this brand before. But when I searched this brand after reading this post , this is a kind of brand new brand and this is for girls and their cloths are very stylish.
